Developer Resource Center



EdgePay Pivot is a JavaScript Library and Function that you can add to your Payment page and bypass sending sensitive card data to your server, thus eliminating the risks associated with storing, processing, or transmitting credit card data and allows you to operate in a PCI Compliance way.

You would use this Library and Function if do not want to store, process, or transmit card data on your system. If your design already includes server-side card processing, this library and function may not be for you.


For Production processing you will use the Merchant Key, Merchant ID, and Terminal ID we setup for you. For testing purposes please feel free to use the information provided below in the code snippets.

EdgePay Pivot is a 2-step process:

Step 1: At the point of “Checkout” your Server-Side code will execute the following code to retrieve a 1-time Pivot Authentication Key from our Server. This 1-time use key allows you to use the EdgePay Pivot to get a 1-time Token to replace the Card data.

The 1-time Pivot Authentication Key is valid for only 15 minutes, then expires. The key is also not valid after it has been submitted and used.

Step 2: After you get your One-Time Token you will then be able to return to your Server and use the API to process a Payment request.

Here is the code you would use to request the 1-Time Pivot Authentication Key from your server.


OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{ \r\n \"merchantID\":\"6320340123456901\",\r\n
\"terminalID\":\"88800000282601\"\r\n}\r\n ");
Request request = new Request.Builder().url("https://api.edgepay-").post(body).addHeader("Content-Type",
").addHeader("externalReferenceID", "1234561528498479").addHeader("transactionDate", "2018-06-
08T00:01:00").addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache").build();
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();


import http.client 
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("api.edgepay-uat,com") 
payload = "{ \r\n \"merchantID\":\"6320340123456901\",\r\n \"terminalID\":\"88800000282601\"\r\n}\r\n " 
headers = { 
'Content-Type': "application/json", 

'merchantKey': "C8E05D70D3C8D3D675EAA2FE86674FEA3BCE1AFBECA4322C ", 
 'externalReferenceID': "1234561528498328", 
 'transactionDate': "2018-06-08T00:01:00", 
 'Cache-Control': "no-cache" 
 conn.request("POST", "generatePivotAuthKey", payload, headers)  
 res = conn.getresponse() 
 data = 
19. print(data.decode("utf-8")) 


var client = new RestClient("");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
request.AddHeader("transactionDate", "2018-06-08T00:01:00");
request.AddHeader("externalReferenceID", "1234561528498677");
request.AddHeader("merchantKey", "C8E05D70D3C8D3D675EAA2FE86674FEA3BCE1AFBECA4322C");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); 

request.AddParameter("undefined", "{ \r\n \"merchantID\":\"6320340123456901\",\r\n \"terminalID\":\"88800000282601\"\r\n}\r\n ", ParameterType.RequestBody);

IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Pivot Key Responses

This request will return the following response to your Server as an Approved Transaction, providing your Server a 1-Time Pivot Key.


"result": "A", 
"responseCode": "EP0020", 
"responseMessage": "Pivot Key Generation Successful", 
"timestamp": "2018-06-08 22:35:42.486", 
"pivotAuthKey": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ7XCJtZXJjaGFudEtleVwiOlwiTnlCNWJPT01jT1EwZkIvZnVnMXpQZE1WQ05HVU5iZmdyMUt2c2FlNmE5NFprY0hqdEE3MkRVZWptTGxKcnFVejBuWithVUZoU3ZSZE42amdmdkNRYXN3aE9jMm80bGd1YjV5NmQ2eEJQdDg9XCIsXCJtZXJjaGFudElEXCI6XCI2MzIwMzQwMTIzNDU2NzIyXCIsXCJ0ZXJtaW5hbElEXCI6XCI4ODgwMDAwMDI4MjYwMVwiLFwiZXhwaXJlc0luU2Vjb25kc1wiOjkwMCxcImdlbmVyYXRpb25UaW1lSW5NaWxsaXNcIjoxNTI4NDk3MzQyNDg0fSIsImlhdCI6MTUyODQ5NzM0Mn0.1Ytwan7EvC4EqvsQ-dsS4iiXAQd_zTWqAFigDqnJvR0"

There can also be a negative response in the request for a 1-Time Pivot Key. This can come in the form of ‘Decline, Retry, or Call for Help’ within the result field.


"result": "R", 
"responseCode": "EP0900", 
"responseMessage": "Message format not supported" 

"result": "D", 
"responseCode": "EP0102", 
"responseMessage": "The value '63203401234567221' of element 'merchantID' is not valid." 

Dealing with Pivot Key Responses

Here is a table of all responses and appropriate action to take:

Result Response Code Response Message Recommended Next Action
A EP0020 Pivot Key Generation Successful Use the Pivot Key to generate Payment Page
C EP0900 Message format not supported Call GET for support
C EP0102 The value 'xxx' of element 'merchantID' is not valid The Merchant ID in the request packet is not valid. Verify your input
C EP0102 The value 'xxx' of element 'terminalID' is not valid The Terminal ID in the request packect is not valid. Verify your input
C EP0012 Authentication failed, please use valid credentials The Merchant Key is not valid. Update Merchant key.
D EP0101 The value of element 'externalReferenceID' is missing The externalReferenceID must be included with every request, and be unique
D EP0101 The value of element 'merchantID' is missing The merchantID must be included with every request, and be unique
D EP0101 The value of element 'terminalID' is missing The terminalID must be included with every request, and be unique
R EP0999 System Error Internal Server error, please retry request

Full Response Format

Here are the details of the Pivot Key response message:

Field Attribute Description
result A/1 A = Approved
D = Decline
R = Retry
C = Call for Help
responseCode AN/6 The 6-digit code and the table below may be used for determining next step in your code
result A/1 A = Approved
D = Decline
R = Retry
C = Call for Help
responseMessage AN String Text describing the condition
timestamp N/Calendar YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss
pivotAuthKey 256 bits JSON Web Key

Once you have your 1-time Pivot Authentication Key, you are ready to request the payment. Include the following code as part of generating the HTML page for the Payment Page.

<script type = "text/javascript" 
src = ""></script> 
<script type = "text/javascript"> 

pivotAuthKey: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ7XCJtZXJjaGFudEtleVwiOlwiTGdSWERva21mbGc1Y3F4anVVUG5aRlpLVHpGZ1hFZGt0Vlo0YkNybnllVHdIeXJ0YW53UDhOQW5kbmFwNm9xU3o0SnNIaDVNTm5SNWFFWTBMUThCdHEzVmRibEcwL3YvK21JMWJlYm92WjA9XCIsXCJtZXJjaGFudElEXCI6XCI2MzIwMzQwMTIzNDU2NzIyXCIsXCJ0ZXJtaW5hbElEXCI6XCI4ODgwMDAwMDI4MjYwMVwiLFwiZXhwaXJlc0luU2Vjb25kc1wiOjkwMCxcImdlbmVyYXRpb25UaW1lSW5NaWxsaXNcIjoxNTI4NDk5NTU3NDQzfSIsImlhdCI6MTUyODQ5OTU1N30.hyP_IeBSjd9bLb-cXfAik-Yf9gcDnWjE6Fe29EPpG0c" (This is the key from the 1-time pivot key request) 

formFieldIdSelector: { 
submitButton: "btnSubmit", 
cardNumber: "inputCreditCard", 
cardExpirationDate: "inputExpirationDate", 
cvv2: "inputCVV2" 
onSuccess: function(success) { 
/*success call back to applied business logic*/ 
/*tokenID can be found in success.body.tokenID */ 
document.getElementById("token").value= success.body.tokenID; 
onError: function(error) { 
/*error call back to applied business logic*/ 

If your page has a card expiration date in two different fields (month and year), you can replace the cardExpirationDate field with the cardExpirationMonth and cardExpirationYear fields in the getToken function:

formFieldIdSelector: { 
submitButton: "btnSubmit", 
cardNumber: "inputCreditCard", 
cardExpirationMonth: "inputExpiryMonth", 
cardExpirationYear: "inputExpiryYear", 
cvv2: "inputCVV2" 

This function will download the EdgePay JavaScript library and add to the user’s browser.

Within the code you added are the variables that holds the 1-time Pivot Authentication Key. Please insert the key you retrieved from the previous request in the pivotAuthKey variable when you build the page.

Also, within the code is the definitions required to download the library to process the Card information and return the 1-Time token. The code controls the input variables and submit button as well as handling an Ajax Method that will get fired from executing the Submit button. This method will send the Card Information to EdgePay using the 1-Time Pivot Key for Authentication.

For your Payment form most of the variables are fixed but we recognize there are several approaches to Card Expiration Date. Thus, we have enabled the following formats within the EdgePay Pivot Library:

Card Expiration dates supported:

  • MMYY
  • MM/YY
  • MM YY (2 Fields)
  • MM YYYY (2 Fields)

Feel free to create the Card Expiration format that best fits your page and needs.

The JavaScript library will perform the following edits as part of entry on the form:

Error Type Field Name Error Text Raw
VALIDATION_FAILED cardNumber This is required {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardNumber","errorText":"This is required"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cardNumber Must be a number {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardNumber","errorText":"Must be a number"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cardExpirationField Card Expiration Field is required {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardExpirationField","errorText":"Card Expiration Field is required"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cardExpirationDate Card Expiration format not matched {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardExpirationDate","errorText":"Card Expiration format not matched"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cardExpirationMonth/cardExpirationYear Card Expiration format not matched {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardExpirationMonth/cardExpirationYear","errorText":"Card Expiration format not matched"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cardExpirationField Please input extra cardExpirationField field or combination of cardExpirationMonth and cardExpirationYear fields {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cardExpirationField","errorText":"Please input cardExpirationField field or combination of cardExpirationMonth and cardExpirationYear fields"}]}
VALIDATION_FAILED cvv2 Must be a number {"errorType":"VALIDATION_FAILED","body":[{"fieldName":"cvv2","errorText":"Must be a number"}]}

These edits will be corrected by the User before the code will allow the user to proceed. Upon the user selecting the Submit button the JavaScript library that is downloaded executes a request to EdgePay and returns a 1-Time token to replace the Card information, (Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, and CVV Value). This token is time sensitive as well and will expire in 15 minutes.

One Time Token Responses

You will use the "OnSuccess" Call back method to generate your POST back to your server with your order information and the 1-Time token which is now ready to make the payment from your server using the EdgePay Payment API and inputting the Token instead of the Credit Card information.

Here is the "OnSuccess" response message:


If you receive an "OnError" result, use the workflow below to facilitate next steps for your development. These can be performed on form via JavaScript or back at your server.

Result Response Code Response Message Raw Recommended Next Action
R EP0999 System error {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR", "body":{"result":"R","responseCode":"EP0999", "responseMessage":"System error", "timestamp":"2018-06-12-14-43-55"},"status":500} Request a new 1-Time Pivot Key and resend request
D EP0055 Invalid Expiry Date {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR", 
"responseMessage":"Invalid Expiry 
Date (MMYY)","merchantID":"6320340123456722", 
Display result to user and request corrected Date. Note; Requires a new Pivot Key
D EP0012 Authentication failed, please use valid credentials {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR","body":{"result":"D","responseCode":"EP0012","responseMessage":"Authentication failed, please use valid credentials."},"status":400} The 1-time Key was invalid. Request another 1-Time key and resubmit
C EP0900 Message format not supported {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR","body":{"result":"C","responseCode":"EP0900","responseMessage":"Message format not supported"},"status":400} This is an internal Key error. Call for help!
D EP0054 Card number is invalid {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR","body":{"result":"D","responseCode":"EP0054","responseMessage":"Card number is invalid","merchantID":"6320340123456722","cardExpirationDate":"0220"},"status":400} The customer input an invalid card. Get a new key and prompt to retry card input
D EP0102 The value 'XXXX' of element 'cardExpirationDate' is not valid {"errorType":"SERVICE_INVOCATION_ERROR","body":{"result":"D","responseCode":"EP0102","responseMessage":"The value '0200' of element 'cardExpirationDate' is not valid."},"status":400} The customer input an invalid Expiration date. Get a new key and prompt to retry Card Expiration input

Request the Payment

After you get your One-Time Token you can now return to your Server and use the API to process a Payment request. In the Payment Request, you can also request a Token and you will receive a Reusable token you can store on your server for future use.

Use the Payment Response Result to determine your next action. If the Payment Response is an “OnError” response and you wish to ask the Customer for another form of payment or re-enter your card information you must first request another 1-Time Authentication Key and load asynchronously to the current Payment page, then display the work flow instructions to the user.